About Blue Lakes Rotary

Blue Lakes Rotary is a small but mighty club.  We have been hosting the Magic Valley Beer Festival since 2012.  We are able to support the community in many ways thanks to the Festival.

Annual projects include:

·       CASA – providing school supplies, snacks, and undergarments for children in the foster care system

·       CSI Scholarships – scholarships for music camp and CSI students

·       Magic Valley High School students– providing for some of their individual needs such as food, clothing, gas

·       Scholarship Endowment – for Magic Valley High School students to pursue a degree or vocational schooling

·       Rotary Youth Exchange – a year abroad for 15-19 year olds to learn a different language & culture; we host inbounds & outbounds

·       Rotary Youth Leadership – an intensive leadership experience to develop skills and have fun for high school students

·       Dictionaries for 3rd Graders

We have also shared our good fortune with many others over the years:

·       Rising Stars

·       Magic Valley Trail Enhancement

·       Twin Falls Optimist Youth House

·       Drug Dogs for Twin Falls Police Department

·       Dental Clinic within The Wellness Tree

·       Neighborhood Park in South Estates Subdivision behind Oregon Trail Elementary

·       Twin Falls Veterans Council

·       Twin Falls Senior Center

·       Magic Valley Arts Council

·       Twin Falls Tator’s Special Olympics

·       Humanitarian Projects such as access to potable water & helping to make farming more sustainable, & micro credit loans to start small businesses


The Blue Lakes Rotary Club meets at 7:00AM every Tuesday morning at 9 Beans & A Burrito at 764 Cheney Drive.

Contact us for more information about Magic Valley Beer Festival or Blue Lakes Rotary